Are you interested in helping the league? Below are some of the areas we need help each season:

The point person for each team, sends the first communication to team members, manages the team practices and games, but can rely on Coaches to share this duty throughout the season.

The manager’s right-hand, works along-side the Manager to run practices and coach in the games.

Assistant Coach
Anyone that helps on-field during practices or games. The more assistant coaches the better! The Manager/Coach will be able to run stations and the players will get more reps when they have several assistant coaches.

Dugout Chaperone
Stays in the dugout with the players for each game, make sure batters know who is up next, fielders know their positions, players are paying attention to the game. Keeps the dugout focused on the game. This job can be split between several parents who each pick which games they can work in the dugout.

Team Parent
The manager’s other right-hand.  Communicates important information to the team — usually sets up a Shutterfly site for this purpose. Communicates practice and game schedule, picture day info, Snack Bar info (and manages the team’s snack bar shifts). Generally plans a team party at the end of the season.

League Volunteer / Board Member
Each year, we hold board elections in May to select a Board to run the ESGS the following year. The new board takes office in August, and meets once a month. If you think you could be of help in any area of league management (uniforms, events, communications, scheduling, etc.) we are happy to have you join us! Please email us with your interest!

If you can help us in any of these areas, click here for our Volunteer Sign-up Process and Forms. We thank you for your help!

Sign-up to be a Volunteer

Below are the steps to take to Sign-Up as an ESGS Volunteer:

Manager & Coach applications will be filled out and submitted online.

When you register your child, please select the position you are interested in (Manager, Coach, Assistant Coach, Dugout Chaperone, Team Parent). If you checked Manager or Coach, you will be sent a link to an online volunteer application. If you missed this step, or did not receive a link to the form, or have just decided that you can help us as a Manager or Coach, please email us at

Online Volunteer Application (for Managers & Coaches)


The Field Hotline phone number

(310) 524-2883.
Please call the Hotline if it is raining. Information on the Field Hotline is updated by 2pm each day, and tells us if the Rec Park and/or Richmond fields are closed for the day. The Middle School field is controlled by ESGS, and signs will be posted at the field if it is closed.