ESGS Junior Umpire Program

As of 2021, the El Segundo Girls Softball board has voted to promote the development of the junior umpire program, providing both policy and financial backing. In training umpires, USA softball has pointed out – through its mechanics and rules clinics – skills learned on the field carry over into life. With this in mind, the ESGS junior umpire program was conceived with the belief that placing young adults as game officials will enable them to grow in confidence while providing them with life skills, they can use off the softball field.
Program Goals:
- Teach young adults (girls, 12 years and older) the rules and mechanics required to umpire local recreation league games.
- Provide economic opportunity for teenage ESGS players, or teenager affiliated family members.
- Provide ongoing training and support to both new and experienced umpires to learn the skills they need to effectively officiate, manage difficult game situations, and to grow in confidence both on and off the field.
- Nurture and maintain the roster of active junior umpires by engaging both participants and parents in a way that allows them to learn more about umpiring, gain a deeper appreciation of the job, and to ensure they stay with the program.
● USA Softball registration – Umpires attend both the USA Softball Umpire Clinic and follow up refresher course clinic (El Segundo based) in January, prior to the upcoming spring season, then umpire a minimum of two games for ESGS to cover their registration fee. Logistically – junior umpires present a check written out to ESGS for $65, ESGS then writes a single check to USA Softball for all its junior umpires. The check is returned when the junior umpire has met the program requirements. The league covers Registration fees and clinic costs. The league will also order Umpire Shirts for each participant. We have protective gear and necessary accessories to borrow in each shed prior to shift. Option to buy personal gear at a discounted rate if participant requests at their expense.
● USA Softball Umpire clinic is a mandatory requirement each year for junior umpires. Attendance at a clinic in prior years is not sufficient to secure a continuing right to umpire in El Segundo.
● Scheduling of junior umpires is done through provided when the schedule comes out. All new Umpires will begin at the 8U level, and be promoted to upper divisions with experience and by sub committee review.
● Game rates start at $25/game for first year umpires if individual or $20 per girl when working line and plate as a team. Individual rates increase $5/game for every completed year of umpiring, capping at a maximum game rate of $40/game unless a circumstance arises and it is approved by board’s subcommittee to pay more (i.e.; an umpire is asked to work an upper level, two-hour game). Additionally, umpires who USA Softball certify (attend both Mechanics and Rules clinics, then take the USA Softball Certification) earn an additional $5/game extra, but the maximum game rate cannot exceed $50.
The junior umpire program is open to players and former players of the program, entering their second year of 12U (or later). Attendance at USA Softball Umpire clinics is mandatory. These begin in the nearby area in December and continue to further out locations in January before the start of the Spring season.
This is a chance to learn a skill and earn some money officiating in a game you love. If you’re interested in becoming a junior umpire for the upcoming season, please contact Ashley Garcia (
Interest is due by Dec 1, Orientation: to take place first week of December.
Training will begin in December 2022:
2022/2023 Clinic Cost: Adult $35, Youth $20 (free to our ES board members/ subcommittee participants)
WEST Clinic- Dec 17-Burbank
Olive Recreation Center
1111 W Olive Street
Burbank CA 91506
LASB Clinic Dec 18-Long Beach
Minnie Gant Elementary School
1854 Britton Drive
Long Beach, CA 90815
EAST Clinic Jan 28, 2023 (Claremont)
SAN DIEGO Clinic: Sunday January 29, 2023
Clinic Registration: 7:30am
Clinic Begins: 8:30am
Clinic Concludes: 5:30pm to register our umpires
Registration Fee:
Adult $65 (increases to $75 Jan3-Feb3 23’), Background Check $10
Youth: $55
Find Orientation from Dec 7, 2022 on YouTube at our page:
Orientation Part 1
Orientation Part 2
Orientation Part 3
Orientation Part 3