This page contains helpful information regarding the El Segundo Girls Softball Snack Bar. The Snack Bar is located at the El Segundo Rec Park Softball Field. Working in the Snack Bar is fun!

Here are videos regarding the Snack Bar. Many of these are on the ESGS YouTube Channel.

Popcorn Guide:
General popcorn Video
ESGS specific popcorn video

Churro and Pretzel Overview

Baking Cookies in the snack bar

General Nacho Cheese Video

How to use the BBQ
Video 1 of 2
Video 2 of 2


The Field Hotline phone number

(310) 524-2883.
Please call the Hotline if it is raining. Information on the Field Hotline is updated by 2pm each day, and tells us if the Rec Park and/or Richmond fields are closed for the day. The Middle School field is controlled by ESGS, and signs will be posted at the field if it is closed.