Q: I want to get involved somehow, what do I do?
A: There are many opportunities to help. Feel free to visit our Volunteer page, or contact any board member. If you are interested in managing or coaching, contact our player agent.

Q: What are the registration fees used for?
A: Our registration fees are among the lowest in our surrounding districts. ESGS uses the registration fees to pay for equipment, uniforms, umpires, pictures, trophies etc. It also pays for ASA registration fees, field usage, and league insurance.

Q: Can girls who do not live in El Segundo play in the league?
A: Yes, non-resident players may play for ESGS subject to residency requirements that may be imposed by the city. ES residents will have priority where applicable.

Q: Where can I find team parent information?
A: Click on this link to find team parent information.

Q: Will there be umpires for the 8 & Under division?
A: Youth umpires as well as other umpires will be provided. The league encourages parents, coaches and managers to assist these umpires in providing a positive experience for the kids. If you know of anyone interested in umpiring, contact a board member.

Q: Is my daughter eligible to play in a higher division?
A: “Moving up” is not encouraged by the league, however, each written request will be reviewed by the board subject to pre-set criteria.

Q: My daughter’s birthday is in late December and she just missed the cut off date to play in the lower division. May I leave her in the lower division?
A: Remaining in a lower division is not encouraged by the league. Written requests will be reviewed by the board.

Q: If I have a problem or a complaint during the season, whom do I talk to?
A: You should direct your issues to your daughter’s manager. Next in line would be the division rep followed by the player agent. As a volunteer organization striving to provide the best possible environment for the league’s players we will give serious consideration to any issues.

Q: What does the league’s insurance cover?
A: The league’s insurance is a “secondary” insurance policy. This means that you must file a claim with your own insurance policy first. The policy covers your child for accidents that occur while participating in El Segundo Girls Softball functions. Claim forms should be requested from and filed with the league’s Vice President.

Q: Am I required to work the snack bar?
A: Yes! By the way, it is usually quite fun. Along with the league fundraiser, the revenue from snack bar helps keep the registration fees low. Keep in mind that a deposit is paid at registration for your snack bar obligation. Failure in completing this responsibility results in loss of the deposit.

Q: Can my daughter play “travel ball” and play in the league?
A: Yes, however there are some strict guidelines to follow. If your daughter plays travel ball on or after March 31st, she is ineligible for All Star participation. Travel ball participation is defined as playing in games, practices, practice games, or multiple try-outs.

Q: Why does my child’s playing time differ from other children on the team?
A: Managers are bound by the league rules regarding playing time. All players must play a minimum of 3 defensive innings in a complete game or a minimum of 2 innings in games less than 6 innings. In addition, all players participate in the batting line up.

Q: My daughter is a freshman in High School, is she still eligible to play in the league?
A: Yes, she may participate in our league as long as she is 14 years-old or younger on Jan 1st.

Remember: All players 8U & older must have their own helmet w/mask & chin strap. The league will only provide team helmets for the 6U division. Face masks are not required in the 6U division. The face mask rule is not a league rule rather an USA Softball rule.


The Field Hotline phone number

(310) 524-2883.
Please call the Hotline if it is raining. Information on the Field Hotline is updated by 2pm each day, and tells us if the Rec Park and/or Richmond fields are closed for the day. The Middle School field is controlled by ESGS, and signs will be posted at the field if it is closed.